Sailormoon Fan fiction

Alright, Mihoshi Marie here.  This is my SM fan fiction.

Sailor Moon Forever
This one's the "controversial" one, the one where Serena and Lita go to Florida.  It's really screwed up, but you can read it for shits and giggles (hehe, Austin Powers quote).  Do note that this was written before the new dubbed episodes aired.  Nerissa is Michelle, Corinne is Amara (I think that's how you spell it) and Celia (Sailor Pluto) hasn't been reintroduced yet, so that may be wrong.  I will start making changes (and more once Sailor Pluto is reintroduced) and upload them soon.  In the meantime, the three chapters are still up.

Attack of the Pink Mafia
This one's a zany story.  It's not meant to be a masterpiece, it is simply meant to make people laugh.  Haha.  Anyways, this one is finally finished.  It involves Raye winning some money and the Scouts decide to go to England for summer vacation.  Little do they know, evil is waiting for them... Coming soon, the sequel to this story. 

Other Stories
These stories have nothing to do with Sailormoon.  I included them here cos this is where all my 'fiction' is stored.  There's one still untitled and a Princess Diaries fan fic.

Sailormoon Inc
Information on the original characters (based on the Japanese version--I'm making an NASM version soon).

The "Sailor Guardians"
The senshi/scouts I made up.  They will appear in the old story (and they might be in the new one; anything is possible).  This is also outdated (the layouts suck), but I'm working on it right now, and its going to take a long time to work on it.  You won't need it anyways, they haven't been introduced in the old story or the new story yet.


This story is copyrighted by me, the author.  Do not use these stories without permission from me, although I can't see why anyone would want to use these stories for anything.  This background was made by me.